This is Calorine who locks. (: I'm a freshie! And my cousin's an oldie who has expired cos she has graduated! MUAHAHAHAHA!
In the point of view of Mabelle:
I'm lying on my cousin's bed and I am singing a song. Lalala~ I'm offering to bring my cousin to KBox because she has never been there. I'm torturing Monica's snowman now.
Law Ball was great. The company, the photos, the memories... Despite bloody red eye... which became bloody red eyeS when i reached home... like people.. don't wear mascara when you have an infected eye... i'll find some photos to put when I go look through them HA
4 years of law school... kinda sad when you realise this is really the end soon.. THe end of sitting around aimlessly between classes.. doing anything in lectures but listening in class.. waltzing off to town after classes.. GIRLS silly msn conversations must still continue!
Law school has been great fun mainly because of a great bunch of friends i met. There's been ups and downs and whatnots and there are also stories one might hear .. but I think in all.. it was fantastic because of the great bunch of abovementioned friends.. love ya load girls.. it seemed just yesterday (wa so cliche but my blog can!!) where ah bi jumped in front of me ARE YOU MARIE'S FRIEND!??! there you go I made a friend!!! HAHA I'm not antisocial k im how sociable.. and there the circle expanded.. im supposedly harmless looking HAHA cool!
Anyhow... we're all moving into another phase of life soon.. but we must meet girls we must!!!!
Ok i dunno how to put the rest of my sentiments to words.. i shld go do my aeloprane assignment.. ahhhh
i will miss law school...that's for sure... :)
Yeps that's JellyBean under attack but he's all fine now.. certainly didn't lose any weight.. evident from my red shoulder after he spent a day in town with me. JellyBean you are heavy...
Ok now that I have resurrected my blog I shall attempt to come and blog regularly. I'm sitting in class now with a weird feeling.. not paying attention but GUILT FREE. Class now is for pure interest because nothing is examinable for me... HA.... so people ask.. u come for wat?
Answers include: show face, come and return library books, come and see Cheryl Bobo Blackcurrant Sweet Rambu Tan so yar im in class.. blogging... HA...
Anyhowz... we're not going to be students for very long and it feels strange... Like when I was at my 4th and last open house that day you see fresh hopeful CLUELESS small kids trying to decide what to do with their lives.. so funny these kids.. some say they come for inspiration .. some have NO IDEA about what courses they would like to take.. er.. ok u young u win
Having said that, the campus here is actually growing on me.. it looks gorgeous by night actually..
I might actually miss it.. but I think I'll miss boliao times with the girls more... like how bobo reminded me today that we actually talked rubbish till 3 plus am yesterday... GIRLS... we must continue to be boliao even if we have to think smart in a few months .. ok break is coming soon I shall trek to the lib to return my books
Have fun folks! I think I might do this again tonight...
Hi! I have decided to return to the blogging world because I keep having random bloggable snippets popping into my brain every now and then.. instead of random essayable things.. Jas just told me enthusiastically that in 8 weeks we're no longer going to be students... so i ask her THAT MEANS EXAMS COMING SOON LA... sheeesh.. i think i shld go and bang wall now.. less painful...
Anyway I dropped by my cousins' place.. I miss the furball so muuuuch!! She smelt nice cos she just had a bath sweetie....
Haiz.. i shld go and think smart thoughts... and I'm asking my cousins swakoo questions .. so shy...then they laugh loudly...
Anywayz.. I have a new love in my life and he is JellyBean. Muackz JellyBean.
Ya that is the corner of my room where I have marooned myself to to do my current assignment.. I had to crawl out from my cave for a while...
OGAY I'm going back to do assignmentS.. I shld do a longer one soon.. but 2 things are hurrying me..
Hello people! I'm blogging again after like what 6 months!? Don't lidat la.. my life not exciting wat.. ok anyhow since the beeeeek has officially announced her departure I shall attempt to resurrect it OK the Beek can?
We have not-so-recently-anymore relocated to Bukit Timah, lovingly or not known as BTC.. and yeps.. I'm not so pleased with it now because I'm in the library and there is bloody drilling going on outside...AH .. and the stoopid alarms outside the SR doors go BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP like some stupid alarm clock but NOBODY does anything about it so put alarm for wat?
Anyway, I came back blogging cos I HAD to post about my cousin's pillow. If you're wondering why I keep posting about my cousins and their beddings.. I can't help it! They are so hilarious but they are so boring that's the only thing interesting about them
My cousin's pillow is a girl. I found out because my cousin the dweeb sms-ed me while I was in an excruciatingly boring class that day to tell me his class ended and he's going to nap. Therefore I mentioned in my msn nick that I would like it very much if his pillow eats him. And HE goes, SHE doesn't have such a big appetite... WHY you tell me WHY would you assign your pillow a gender?! I dunno why la ok but he did and ya so i asked him why
And his answer.. actually made sense..
He said cos he cannot imagine sleeping with or more importantly, ON a guy. Therefore his pillow is a girl... makes sense right!!
So yeps.. my first post after a long break.. dedicated to my cousin and the luscious female that shares his bed...
Having cousin as a roommate is an extremely hilarious experience. I do enjoy cousin's company but there is one drawback. I study facing cousin's bed. Pain.
As I slog away at my excruciating-to-start-writing then impossible-to-stop-writing assignments or stone bleary-eyed at my no pictures no colours texts, cousin sleeps in full view of me. As I was telling the Beek, it's like studying in front of a live advertisement for mattresses or beds or beddings. Pain.
And like I was also telling Beek, I have the exact same advertised products behind me... Dad is also very nice in clearing my bed of academic debris every night and arranging my bed stuff in a way where you can just collapse in it and sleep. Pain.
Back to my cousin sleepy. My cousin sleepy is a poster child for the cure of insomnia. Looking at my cousin sleepy really really makes you want to sleep. And not like I needed much encouragement in the first place.
Oh but revenge is sweet in the morning when Cousin sleepy awakes to my joyfully snoozing form at unearthly hours to go to school.
But then again, there are advantages to Cousin Sleepy's sleeping habits. Cousin Sleepy can sleep with the lights on which means I can stay in the room and mug with good lighting. Cousin Sleepy also emits funny noises and occasionally coherent phrases while sleeping. This serves as either amusement or jolts to startle me from my half brain-dead state... I adore Cousin Sleepy.
JUST AS I TYPED THE ABOVE SENTENCE, Cousin Sleepy has booted her bolster off the bed... now I have to go and rescue Cousin Sleepy's bolster...
I'm going to re-evaluate my love for Cousin Sleepy...
Today is a good day because I did happy things. Even though I'm still drowning in work... and will be for the next month, I'm happy today.
I went out and spent time with very lovable people. We had good food and a good time. Then I came home and was thoroughly entertained by extremely amusing cousins, small orange thing and big orange thing.
Then mommy made me noodles because lunch was so good I didn't have dinner. Then mommy made me noodles again when I didn't like the first one.
Then we laughed at cousins who were accidents. Haha... it started cos I started calling mom and dad factory. Then we decided maybe cousin was a free gift... cousin monster said I am a failed experiment... I told her the truth.. I am my parents' masterpiece which explains why the factory only produced one.
Although I'm sitting here trying to puke out my essay.. I still think this is a good day. Yeps simple pleasures in life...
I love my family.
Name: Mabelle
Bdae: 16th April
Likes: JellyBean Star
*The Conversations*
*Royally Divine*
Prawnie Moppie Monikee
Silly Goose Carokee
The Empress Dowager
Sheer person
Marzie Fuzzy Wuzzy
Peggy Waggy Laggy
Ade Ade Ade!
Bobo Tan
*Princess's Past Dreams*
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